Looking to rebind your tattered paperback books? Here are the materials I recommend using!
- Glue
You'll need a PH neutral PVA glue for this. Here is the brand i use.
- Book Cloth
This can be bought pre-made like this, or you can make it.If making it you will need:
- Cloth
Any kind you choose! Pay attention to the thickness of the fabric, anything too thick will be difficult to work with and will result in a bulky cover. I reccomend classic cotton, but no thicker than a duck fabric.
You will use this to adhere the cloth to the..
This makes a better surface to adhere the cloth to the cover material
This is necessary if your books pages are falling out. If the spine is still in good shape then you can skip this
- Binders Board
I always use chipboard for this, and i buy it in a giant sheet at Blick's or Hobby Lobby. You can also cut the back off of a pad of paper or an old notebook, or you can buy small sheets like these.
- End paper
Scrapbook paper, computer paper, anything works.
Extras For Fanciness:
- Paint
- Charms for the bookmarks